For Chris Shane, the search for a hidden wallet wasn’t just a treasure hunt; it was a life-changing adventure. As the winner of Bank of Utah’s 2024 “Where’s the Wallet” Cash Quest, Chris claimed the $20,000 prize. In keeping with the contest’s guidelines, he paid it forward by donating half his prize winnings to a cause close to his heart. Chris chose to give $10,000 in scholarships to first-generation students at Utah Valley University (UVU). Just as his meticulous exploration of Utah’s scenic trails led him to the treasure, his decision to support education will help students uncover their own gem — a brighter future through higher learning.

Chris Shane holds up the wallet
After an adventurous trek along the Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail near Echo Reservoir, Chris proudly holds up the wallet — proof that treasure hunting can lead to great rewards!

Hosting the Second Annual Cash Quest

This year marked the second annual “Where’s the Wallet” Cash Quest, which began Aug. 1 and ended Sept. 5 when Chris found the prize off the Historic Union Pacific Rail Trail in Summit County, near Echo Reservoir. The contest encouraged Utahns to explore the state solving clues that would lead to the wallet. Chris, despite initially feeling too exhausted and discouraged by another recent treasure hunt, decided to give this one a try — and it led to an experience he will never forget.

Cherie Hanson, Senior Vice President of Marketing & Communications at Bank of Utah, shared the bank’s excitement during the check presentation, saying, "The Cash Quest was designed to inspire Utahns to explore our beautiful state while searching for hidden treasure. It was wonderful to follow this journey on social media, seeing how the hunt brought participants together and sparked enthusiasm.”

Navigating Chris’ Journey to the Wallet

Chris recounted the ups and downs of his experience, describing how he analyzed numerous clues that led him across various parts of Utah, from Spanish Fork to West Valley. Eventually, he zeroed in on the Rail Trail near Echo Reservoir and searched after work each day. The bank released six original clues and two bonus clues throughout the contest, but it was the final clue that provided Chris with the key piece of information to pinpoint the wallet’s location.

In a heartfelt moment, Chris reflected on the surreal feeling of finally finding the wallet after nearly giving up. “It was the most special thing ever,” he said. “You have to have an undeniable belief that you’re going to find it, but at the same time, it feels so impossible.”

Paying it Forward with Scholarship Support

Chris Shane, along with UVU and Bank of Utah representatives, donates a check to UVU
Chris Shane presents a check to Sandra Fuimaono of UVU (left), joined by Cherie Hanson of Bank of Utah.

Beyond the thrill of winning, Chris was deeply moved by the opportunity to give back. He announced his decision to donate part of his winnings to fund two $5,000 scholarships for first-generation students at UVU. “I’m really passionate about education and giving first-generation students an opportunity they might not otherwise have,” Chris shared, emphasizing his desire to support students in their pursuit of higher education.

Sandra Fuimaono, representing UVU’s First Generation Office, expressed her gratitude for Chris’ generosity and the profound impact the scholarship would have on students.

“Many of our first-generation students do not graduate due to financial barriers. This donation is not just a gift to two people, but a legacy that will impact generations to come.” —Sandra Fuimaono, program coordinator, UVU First Generation Student Success Center

Bank of Utah’s “Where’s the Wallet” Cash Quest was more than a treasure hunt; it was an opportunity to explore Utah’s stunning landscapes, build community excitement and make a meaningful difference in students’ lives. “Bank of Utah is committed to our community, not just through fun events like the Cash Quest but also as a trusted financial partner,” said Hanson. “We want to help Utahns discover the value of planning, persistence and smart financial decisions —whether it’s through a fun treasure hunt or the services we provide every day. As Utah’s financial expert, we’re proud to offer opportunities that enrich lives and create lasting impacts.”

Through Chris’ determination and generosity, the hunt became more than just a game — it became a moment of inspiration for everyone involved.